How Commercial Access Control Improves Productivity

How Commercial Access Control Improves Productivity

Commercial access control is widely recognized as a crucial tool to enhance security and physical facilities by effectively managing the movement of employees and visitors. In addition to preventing unauthorized entry and/or approach, a reliable access control system offers peace of mind to both business owners and employees.

But it’s important to note that implementing exceptional security protocols can also contribute to overall work efficiency.

Optimizing Employee Functions with Access Control

Access control is commonly associated with regulating employee access to office buildings and facilities. That said, it also plays a significant role in managing guests and visitors. When implemented effectively, a well-designed access control system automates the entry and exit process for recurring visitors. This eliminates the need for manual monitoring by employees unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Example: When hiring a contractor for facility renovations, it is not uncommon for employers to assign an employee to periodically monitor their activities. This helps to ensure that the contractor’s staff remain within designated areas.

But with a properly managed access control system that issues temporary key cards to authorized visitors, there is no need to take an employee away from their regular tasks. By eliminating the contractor’s access to specific areas, you can easily track their location. This allows your employees to focus on their assigned responsibilities without assuming the role of makeshift security personnel.

Improved Resource Management Through Access Control

Depending on your chosen system, access control management can be integrated into overall building maintenance plans. This enables the utilization of real-time data on employee movement which optimizes tasks like turning off the lights in unoccupied areas or adjusting climate control settings. In essence, an intelligent access control system can help conserve resources. This, in turn, can translate into substantial cost savings over time. These saved costs can then be allocated to other critical expenses.

Enhanced Payroll Management

For businesses employing hourly staff, having a reliable method to confirm an employee’s presence during specific work hours is important for accurate payroll processing. With an access control system that uses key cards for checking in, there is no room for confusion where the start time of an employee’s shift is concerned.

This streamlined approach reduces administrative burdens for the payroll department. The verifiable logs generated by card swipes serve as indisputable evidence for both management and hourly employees. What’s more, the system allows for identification of employees who consistently arrive late or leave early – as well as those who put in additional hours.

Preventing Data Breaches With Access Control

While physical security is crucial, it’s also important not to overlook the risks associated with digital security threats – a.k.a. data breaches. Breaches such as these can arise from external sources, but it’s important to acknowledge that current or former disgruntled employees can also pose a significant threat to data integrity.

When you put a good access control system in place, it mitigates these risks by limiting internal and external access to sensitive information. Why is this solution important? It’s beneficial for businesses across various sectors, not just for those with government contracts, financial institutions, or healthcare providers. Confidential data – including business banking details and employee information stored in HR files – can be safeguarded through access control measures. This helps to preserve privacy and ensure safety.

Turn to ProTech Security Systems for Access Control Systems

Access control systems are becoming increasingly important in the world today – whether it’s to prevent unauthorized entry into a building or to manage access to certain areas. ProTech Security Systems is a leading provider of these systems, with a wide range of offerings for both residential and commercial customers. We also install high-quality security cameras and other related products to ensure our clients properties remain secure at all times. If you’re looking for a reliable security system to give you peace of mind, ProTech is the perfect choice.

We’re located in Tucson, Arizona, and are open Monday through Saturday, 8 AM to 8 PM.

If you’d like to get in touch with us, please call 520-882-3800. You can also request a quote using our convenient online form, if you prefer.