The Ultimate Modern Home Security Checklist

The Ultimate Modern Home Security Checklist

Decorating your new home is unquestionably more enjoyable than installing security measures. However, because a burglary occurs every 30 seconds, home security should be a prime focus. Here is a home security checklist you should follow to immediately safeguard your new house so you can live a stress-free and secure life.

Install a Good Security System

Your new house must include a security system, either one with home automation and professional monitoring or a simple DIY system. Numerous home security devices are available now in all price ranges and offer various desired levels of protection. You can learn more about the average cost of a home security system here.

Secure All Home Entry Doors

Don’t let a burglar break in through the front door. Inspect your external doors to confirm that the doors are robust with sturdy hinges and that no one can reach through the letter slot to open the door.Change the door locks if you’re shifting into a house previously occupied by another person.

Ensure Sufficient Outdoor Lights

Use plenty of outside lighting to keep strangers away. Install lighting in your front and rear yards, paths, and garages. Not only will you make invaders nervous, but you’ll also reduce your chances of tripping up the front doors. The steps below can help you make your outdoor security even more luminous and effective:

  • Make use of motion-activated lighting.
  • Solar-powered lights help you save energy.
  • Set outdoor lights on a timer using a smart outlet.
  • Make use of smart light bulbs with schedules.

Secure Your Internet

Your financial and personal information can be accessible over your home Wi-Fi network. Furthermore, using home automation can leave your home susceptible to a break-in. If your Wi-Fi network is connected to a smart home device or your security devices, hackers may gain easy accessibility to your home.

In case someone trespasses on your home, the first thing to do is to ensure the safety of your cash, jewelry, property documents, passport, and other valuable documents by keeping them in an in-home safe.

Install Safe

Remove Hiding Options

Bushes and trees may add visual charm to your home, but they also provide an easy hiding place for thieves. Instead of large trees or bushes, choose smaller trees and plants. If you have trees near your windows, remove them or strengthen them with extra security.

Use Security Cameras

You might have read news about security footage intercepting robbers and pirates. This is one home security option that functions as a way of obtaining justice in any unfortunate case of a break-in. Smart cameras can be acquired as stand-alone devices or complete home security systems.

Secure House from Fires

Make every effort to avoid a fire in your new house.

  • Inspect existing fire alarms and CO sensors to ensure they are operational.
  • Install new detectors as needed.
  • Examine the charge and expiry date of existing fire extinguishers.
  • If necessary, replace the fire extinguishers.
  • Remember to create a fresh fire escape plan per your property’s configuration. It must be complete with fire escape ladders for upper-story bedrooms.

Home security does not have to be problematic. If you live in a high-crime area, do not be afraid to call the cops if you are away for a long period. The peace of mind from knowing your home is completely secure is well worth your effort and investment.